A Prescription for Light
As a national spokesperson for ASID and seasoned blogger for HEALTHCARE DESIGN magazine, I have had numerous opportunities to spread the word on making the case for the connection between the built environment and the human animal. Sometimes the message takes hold and develops social media" legs" as is the case of my September blog post. The topic was a visionary idea for a uniquely constructed colored lighting LED system for use as a healing modality in hospital patient rooms. Given the mounting scientific evidence defining the role of light as a necessary ingredient for achieving and maintaining health, coupled with recent technological LED and OLED lighting advancements, my ideas are not unfounded and could very well become the norm. Check out my forecast, weigh in on the possibility of this becoming a reality and spreadthe topic around to your colleagues ...after all a blog post is meant to inspire, enlighten and spark discussion. Click here to read
Driving at Night-How Light Affects The Eyes of Aging Drivers
Giving an interview for an international magazine was a big deal for me. In the article I offered a non- technical lightweight position on the expected transition to nighttime bright white roadway lighting and the health related effects this design change would have on the vision of older drivers. Ohhhhh me! Never did I realize the fuss it would cause by not delivering an evidence based answer to the questions posed by the German journalist. For without offering an article with evidentiary support,I deprived the reader of a valid reason to fully embrace the situation and draw their own conclusions. So in light of that omission, I prepared a more technical response including a list of cited research papers and supporting articles. I am now offering YOU a chance to weigh in on the topic. Check out my observations and research supported comments and let me know your thoughts on the trend to replace the yellow- pink HP sodium vapor street lighting with the blue- enriched white roadway street lighting similar to the blue headlights from oncoming cars. Click here to download Deborah's article
Benya's Blue Light Blues
Throughout the years those of you who have attended my seminars, read my articles, and of course trusted me to consult with your most valued clients, have all come to know my passion for enlightening the A&D community as to the impact our designs have on the human animal. Thankfully I am not alone in recognizing the delicate interdependent balance between the built environment, the earth and our human body and brain. One of the most trusted voices in this arena is my friend Jim Benya. For those of you not familiar with his work, Jim is an internationally recognized lighting designer, board member of the International Dark Sky Association and an At-Large Editor of Architectural Lighting magazine. Jim’s recent AL blog post on the topic of Blue LIGHT reviews the light source from an objective perspective, as well as, raises a number of valid questions regarding the impact this technology may play on human health something to consider as we go forward into the new age of designing….. with LIGHT!
Click here to read
In the News... and Around the Coffee Pot
BRAZIL: I have been interviewed, published and recognized in a number of international and regional publications over the years. But none has brought a smile to my face as the mentioning of my 2009 LIGHTFAIR presentation in a Brazilian magazine
LUME ARQUITETURA. You should have seen my assistant Lisa and I trying to translate what we thought was Spanish only to find out the language we were reading was Portuguese…. I guess the lesson here is that you are not as smart as you think you are and NEVER too old to laugh at yourself :)
LAS VEGAS: During my recent SUFACES 2K10 presentations a few weeks back, I was surprised to learn that I still glow like a kid AND act like a tourist - even in Las Vegas! Check out the photo of me holding my nieces stuffed bear; a school project she assigned me to take along on every speaking presentation I make this coming year.
Gheee... another chance to make a kid happy brought about by my wonderful sponsors WOOLS of NEW ZEALAND and LUMASTREAM …THANKS guys!!!
EPIGENETIC DESIGN CONSULTATION: Many of you know that for the last several years my practice has been devoted to Epigenetic Design research and an overwhelming desire to educate the A&D community as to the importance that the interior environment plays on human health and well being. Now in 2K10, we are starting to extend that mission to the end user of that information …your clients, your families and yourselves. I am now actively seeking opportunities and consultation projects worldwide to work alongside design professionals in creating interior environments that are truly supportive of the human animal. These include all design areas including workplace, healthcare, hospitality, corporate and of course residential. With evidence based research and practical application methodology, Epigenetic Design Consultations would assist A&D professionals in their role of providing environments supportive of occupant sleep, enhanced memory and cognition, overall sense of wellbeing and health, as well as design assistance in coping with illness and disease such as: diabetes, obesity, insomnia, heart disease, depression, and ADHD. The evidence is there, the research is there, now it’s time put it all into action by requesting additional information as to how I may consult with you and your clients in creating a truly supportive environment in which we may all work, shop, relax, heal, learn and …call home! Office (615) 384-8337 deborah@deborahburnett.com